5G – The Next Big Thing in Mobile

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5G – The Next Big Thing in Mobile

5G will be better than 4G and will affect your Cellular and Mobile devices!

What is 5G and how will it compare to 4G?

We don’t know all the specifics, but what we do know is that it’s the fifth generation standard for mobile wireless communication and it’s focused on carrier aggregation. This means your mobile device will automatically be able to choose the best service based on what’s available. If a Carrier network is 800MHz and a 1900MHz signal and both available, your device will connect to the best available network, and the same goes for Wi-Fi.

Since technical specifications are still in the works, we can’t say for sure what it entails, but we expect it will allow faster speeds, larger bandwidth and more frequencies than 4G. This will allow it to transmit large amounts of data quickly.

5G will truly be designed for the connected world, in which billions of devices depend on constant connectivity. From Cellular phones, Wi-Fi and other wireless and automation systems, everything will be talking to each other. In response to the ever-increasing volume of network-connected devices, 5G will be able to prioritize devices based on their needs.

When will 5G be available?

The 5G standard is expected to be ratified in 2018 with initial deployment beginning in 2020. However, considering how long it took us to get to true 4G, its unlikely 5G will be ready for mass deployment before 2022. Deployment and adoption take time, so don’t expect 5G to be working flawlessly from the get-go; it could be several years before you’re able to take advantage of all the features.

How will 5G be used in commercial environments?

Existing 4G works by transmitting a signal from a huge outdoor tower that can radiate great distances to distributed antenna systems (DAS) and Wi-Fi access points throughout buildings. However, since 5G may be functioning at a much higher frequency, it can’t travel as far and will have difficulty getting past obstacles (penetrating building). That means 5G is more likely to be a network of small cells and In-Building Distributive Antenna Systems (DAS) requiring many more antennas to achieve the same coverage you had with 4G.

The importance of planning an In-Building DAS for today and the future wireless environment is critically important. 5G will be fast but deployment will be slow. If you have additional questions regarding 5G, RF Freqs experts are always up to date on wireless standards and commercial building trends. Feel free to contact us at www.rffreqs.us or call 410-409-8061 to learn about the wireless solutions we provide.


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