DAS Systems: What They Are and Why They Are Becoming An Essential Part Of Daily Life.

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DAS Systems: What They Are and Why They Are Becoming An Essential Part Of Daily Life.

DAS Systems: What They Are and Why They Are Becoming An Essential Part Of Daily Life.


A Cellular DAS system (distributed antenna system) is a method used to create a more reliable coverage area for Cellular devices by using multiple low powered antenna systems rather than one single high powered antenna. The trouble with these systems is they require strategic planning based on the landscape or layout of a building in order for the DAS system to give reliable coverage. The good news is that with an experienced company like RF-Freqs, you can rest easy knowing they bring a highly experienced team that has deployed many successful DAS systems and know the ins and outs of the technology. The RF-Freqs team has created a list of the successful techniques they use to deploy a DAS system.


Eight Critical Steps in Successfully Deploying DAS:


Project Requirements

DAS expertise can help carefully define your project requirements. Our team can help define your options with their experienced technical support staff that can guide their clients during the project development process.


System Design

Architecting your DAS requires expert knowledge of technologies and access to the multitude of manufacturers and solutions on the market. The right partner can guide you through every aspect of system design in order to complete a comprehensive bill of materials (BOM).  Our team offers complete design services that produce project documentation.  We use industry-standard carrier requirements and industry-leading software tools that produce project-winning results.


Project Planning

Working with a partner with significant deployment experience as well as comprehensive knowledge of system design, architecture, and hardware selection can help reduce risk and ensure a successful outcome. With hundreds of in-building wireless projects successfully supported, our teams experience in planning and implementation is relied upon by carriers, contractors, and end-users.



The proposal process requirements will be aligned with a comprehensive BOM and an RF design.  We estimated that 60 percent of costs are dedicated to materials for multi-carrier DAS projects. Along with project documentation, the proposal should meet your project schedule, technical requirements, and budget. RF FREQS will align the project requirements with a comprehensive BOM, along with project documentation that meets your projects schedule, technical requirements, and budget.


Carrier Coordination

Possibly the most important step in a DAS deployment is coordinating with the carrier. Our team has worked with all major wireless carriers and can help steer your project to carrier acceptance. We will work closely with you to make sure you are contacting your carrier(s) at the proper time and are providing accurate documents to support your design. If feedback requires a solution change, we can provide alternative solutions and designs.



While on-site logistics are part of your installation effort, a high-quality partner will remain connected to the project throughout your testing phase. Having a partner who works with you at every stage to address scope and schedule changes, last minute substitutions, and approvals are necessary during this phase.


System Installation & Testing System

While on-site logistics are part of your installation effort, a high-quality partner will remain connected to the project throughout your testing phase. Having a partner who works with you at every stage to address scope and schedule changes, last minute substitutions, and approvals is necessary during this phase. Our team provides a comprehensive testing solution to ensure the installation is complete and meeting the design criteria signal output.


Commissioning & Cutover

System Commissioning is a critical part of the DAS lifecycle and is not often given the attention it requires. RF-Freqs use test equipment and system software to ensure that the DAS system meets the Carriers system specification and we generally meet with the Carriers during the commissioning phase cut over. Having the Carrier representative on site during commissioning guarantees that the DAS will operate correctly and prevent any interference to the Carriers wireless network.


Connectivity is an essential part of daily life and we all know the frustrations of living, working or visiting an area or building that has unreliable service. This is why it is becoming more and more essential for Cellular DAS systems to be utilized and even more important that you have an experienced, organized and coordinated team like RF-Freqs to build your comprehensive Cellular DAS ecosystem.

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